Westminster Theological Journal is published semiannually in May and November. Subscriptions are $30 for individuals and $50 for institutions and include one full year (two printed issues) of the journal. Subscriptions for individuals, institutions, and booksellers can be purchased or renewed by using the appropriate subscription form below. There is a discount for multi-year subscriptions.


subscription information

Westminster Theological Journal is published semiannually in May and November. Subscriptions are $30 for individuals and $50 for institutions and include one full year (two printed issues) of the journal. Subscriptions for individuals, institutions, and booksellers can be purchased or renewed by using the appropriate subscription form below. There is a discount for multi-year subscriptions.

Subscriptions are non-refundable. For back issue availability and price, please contact the Managing Editor (

Sample Content

For those not familiar with the journal’s content, we have made some our most influential and cited articles available for reading and downloading at no cost. Please see our Featured Articles page.


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